
A collection of notes from my time at Coder Academy

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April 18th



  • Putting a Google Maps frame inside a website is done by using iframes (inline frames), which runs the Google Maps website inside the frame
  • iframes can be a security risk
  • gem geocoder for geocoding solution
  • gem country_select helper to generate HTML drop down list of all countries

Recreating Instagram with Profiles

Steps wrapped in () are for installing Bootstrap during the process.

  • rails new instarails
  • gem 'devise', gem 'geocoder', gem 'country_select' to gemfile and gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.7' to :development and :test group
  • (add gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.1.0' and gem 'jquery-rails' to Gemfile if adding Bootstrap)
  • bundle install
  • (@import "bootstrap"; in application.css and rename to .scss, remove all *= require from file)
  • (add //= require jquery3, //= require popper and //= require bootstrap-sprockets to application.js file)
  • rails g rspec:install installs rspec
  • rails g devise:install installs devise
  • In config/environments/development.rb add config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 3000 }
  • Make sure the root is defined
  • Add <p class="notice"><%= notice %></p> and <p class="alert"><%= alert %></p> to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
  • rails g devise User creates the User model, migration file and routes using devise
  • Edit devise migration file to include modules required if necessary
  • rails g model Profile first_name last_name latitude:decimal longitude:decimal user:references street_address city postcode state country_code to create profile model
  • rails db:migrate
  • has_one :profile in apps > models > user.rb to create relationship between user > profile
  • Add to routes:
    get '/profile', to: 'profiles#show'
    get '/profile/edit', to: 'profiles#edit'
    post '/profile', to: 'profiles#create'
    patch '/profile', to: 'profiles#update'
  • rails routes | grep profile will filter all routes to only show ones that include profile
  • create profiles_controller:
    class ProfilesController < ApplicationController
      def show
          redirect_to :root unless user_signed_in?
          @profile = current_user.profile
      def edit
          @profile = Profile.find_or_initialize_by(set_profile)
          @profile.user = current_user
      def update
          @profile = current_user.profile
          if @profile.update(profile_params)
              flash[:notice] = "Profile updated"
              redirect_to profile_path
              flash[:alert] = "Could not save profile"
              redirect_to root_path
      def create
          @profile =
          @profile.user = current_user
              flash[:notice] = "Profile updated"
              redirect_to root_path
              flash[:alert] = "Could not save profile"
              redirect_to :back
      def profile_params
          params.require(:profile).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :street_address, :city, :postcode, :state, :country_code)
      def set_profile
          {user: current_user}
  • redirect_to :root unless user_signed_in? in the show action of profiles_controller.rb will prevent user from seeing profile unless logged in
  • Add to profile.rb model in app > models to make fields a requirement for save:
      presence: true)
  • Add the following to profile.rb model in app > model (below validates()) to allow geocoder gem to figure out the long/lat of the address
    geocoded_by :full_address
    after_validation :geocode
  • Creating the below in profile.rb model in app > model will allow you to call profile.full_address instead of needing to call each individual part of address
    def full_address
    # "120 Spencer Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, AU"
    "#{street_address}, #{city}, #{state}, #{postcode}, #{country_code}"
  • Creating the below in profile.rb model in app > model will allow you to call profile.full_name instead of using profile.first_name and profile_last_name
    def full_name
    "#{first_name} #{last_name}"
  • add the following to application_helper.rb in app > helpers to create google_map_image_tag helper
    def google_map_image_tag(profile)
    image_tag "{profile.latitude},#{profile.longitude}&zoom=14&size=400x400&sensor=false"

Params can be passed through:

  • Forms
  • URL params (?question=what%20are%20params&filter=20)
  • Routes